Sunday 27 September 2009

Joomla Automatic Upgrade

Practically any requirement you may have from a content management site, Joomla can provide through numerous free extensions / modules / components, most very similar to the plugins used by Wordpress.

Joomla membership sites can be created for free using a combination of these extensions.

But which extensions do you use & how do you configure them to work with payment processors etc. to turn Joomla into a fully functional e-commerce membership site?

To start you need to have an installation of Joomla 1.5, if your joomla automatic upgrade web host includes cpanel it is a simple matter of clicking the fantastico logo "smiley face" on cpanel under software / services.

Joomla 1.5 will be listed on the left hand side in Content Management, click the link & follow the on screen installation instructions.

Next download the Account Expiration Control, Component / Module & Plugin's once downloaded & unzipped the file will include everything you need for your Joomla membership site.


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