The human body PHP Get URL contains a gas and air in significant quantities. Some are soluble in body fluids. Air as well as free gas present in the digestive tract, middle ear and sinus cavity, the volume will increase with increasing height.
Expansion of gas trapped in the sinuses PHP Get URL can cause headaches, expansion of gases trapped in the middle ear can cause ear pain, and feeling bloated or full in the stomach if the expansion occurs in the gas in the digestive tract. Expansion of gas trapped in the small intestine can cause pain severe enough that sometimes can cause PHP Get URL unconsciousness. At an altitude of 8000 feet gases trapped in the body cavity volume increased 20% from the volume when on land. The faster the speed of ascent, the greater the risk of experiencing discomfort or pain.
It is important to remember also that the gas can be PHP Get URL trapped in the teeth that you just patched. This can cause what is called aerodontalgia where pain can reach levels that reduce the ability of the pilots in navigating the aircraft.
Friday, 25 December 2009
My PHP Get URL Tutorial
Posted by Eldo at 16:27 0 comments
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